This time, we travel to West to Yosemite.
More than 40 years ago, I visited Yosemite with my deceased wife Sally, as part of a grand tour camping trip which started out with a modest goal of seeing the Grand Canyon and then deciding along the way where else to go. So after seeing the canyon we drove to the coast went up Highway 1 along the cliffs, thru Big Sur, stopping just short of Monterey Bay before heading towards Yosemite. I was in my late thirties and had never seen anything like Yosemite in my Midwestern life and was awed by it. Turns out hundreds of thousands of others have also. I urge everyone to enjoy the experience before they become too frail to walk. Judith had never been there before so this was somewhat of a mission as I wanted her to see it.
My first Yosemite trip was staying in a camp site just outside the park. Our Datsun 260Z and our two person tent were what we lived in and we ate food mostly purchased at 7-11 types along the way.
Turns out, it was a totally different and enjoyable experience for me also.
Judith plans our trips and in the process asks me about my preferences. As I have mentioned before, she really enjoys staying in nice hotels and B&B’s. This time we stayed in a luxury B&B complete with servants dressed in the old time European style. The woman wore long black shirts and skirts with a long white apron over everything. If we wanted something to drink it was served up pronto. The owner, a woman, came over from a Slavic country; I forget which one, and opened a restaurant in the park which became very successful. She experienced a bit of back luck when the park service decided to eliminate most private enterprise in the park and they didn’t renew her license. But she had by then such a following that she open another restaurant only this time she went up scale with it, followed by building a mini-B&B mansion next door.
The Chateau du Sureau (
The next day was a down day for us and we stayed at our B&B the whole day laying around the pool and exploring the grounds. That night we ate a very expensive dinner at the restaurant.
The restaurant is in the background with the pool in the foreground. The staff came frequently to make sure our drinks were refreshed while we were at the pool.
This is a fallen giant.
From the grove, we drove up to Glacier Point to overlook the valley below and the majestic Sierras.
From our view the upper and lower Yosemite falls can be seen.
Yes Judith is beautiful, but I just couldn't take my eyes off the margarita!
I'm here from a link from Kristi
great post. great pictures. thanks!
Judith is very beautiful!
I wish I had conversed with you more in Chicago. Yes, we met at the Tiki bar!
You have some awesome kids, but you know that, don't you?
Bubbles, faithful reader of Vikkitikitavi, GetKritiLove, and now, DadE!
GKL-Its times like this that you think live could not be better.
Bubbles-I remember you and always enjoy your comments, especially this one. When all of us get together, it is most entertaining. I am really a lucky man.
GKL-er,"life" that is.
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